An Interview with Centennial College Teacher Caroline Williams | Centennial College | Private College, Montreal, Canada

An Interview with Centennial College Teacher Caroline Williams

Introduce yourself and the courses you teach. What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being a teacher at Centennial College?

My name is Caroline Williams and I teach English literature. I have been teaching at Centennial Academy for twelve years and the best part of being a teacher at the College is the collaboration amongst teachers and administration to ensure the best support for students.

What differentiates the college from other colleges/CEGEPs in Quebec in terms of the approach and the educational frameworks that we use at Centennial?

At Centennial College, we strive to be at the forefront of best teaching practices. Thus, we have adopted the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework when designing our courses both in terms of their delivery and their content so that we reach the widest possible variety of learner.

Describe a typical classroom experience or a typical day at Centennial College?

First and foremost, students arrive daily knowing what to expect with clear objectives and expectations. Lessons are posted on Omnivox for the students to preview and review; they are able to complement their learning with a variety of resources, such as audio links to the stories being studied. A student typically arrives in an English class excited to discuss a variety of different types of texts, all the while acquiring specific and appropriate reading strategies that lead towards analytical responses at a college level.

What is C-Space and what are the advantages of having this in college?

C-Space is designed for all students to have a consistently allocated time to practice a particular skill. For instance in English class, students use this time to prepare effectively and thoroughly for written assignments by outlining for an essay and to have the opportunity to get in-depth and constructive feedback from the teacher on their work. The dialogue with students during this particular time is valuable to their academic growth.

What is the culture like at Centennial College?

The culture at Centennial College is one in which stresses and encourages caring between students and teachers. Students experience first-hand the level of attention and concern that the teachers and administrators have to ensure the success of each individual.

Tell me about one of your favorite teaching memories/story?

Some of my favourite memories are students who have gone out their comfort zone to show their creative talent, because they applied what they learned. Throughout the course of a semester, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a creative way. Projects have gone from the creation of original scripts and subsequently adapted into short films or dramatic readings, to students proudly submitting their own short story.

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